Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Interpretations of American History Essay Example for Free
Translations of American History Essay There has been a remarkable change in the American History from the most recent 400 years up to this point. Toward the starting the American History the subjects that the students of history deciphered were governmental issues, strategy and war. The main individuals who could do the deciphering were just white male Americans. The contemporary American history specialists expounded almost on everything that influenced everyone. This occasions were totally different from what they are presently, when you read history, you are perusing the students of history perspective or experience with the world. The history specialists were completely devoted to this, they go through hours, days, long stretches of their lifes to demonstrate the truth leaves away. They were portrayed by nationality or their way of thinking. The antiquarians can be Jeffersonian liberal, patriot, dynamic, women's activist or postmodernist; for instance, Perry Miller in the twentieth century American progressivism, Kenneth Stampps was locked in with the social equality development, Kathryn Sklars thoughts were women's activist (p. 72). In those occasions everything resembled they African American individuals couldnt be antiquarians, since they just acknowledged white male Americans, additionally they were male bullhead, ladies couldnt be students of history and not just that, they were avoided from everything, they didnt reserve the privilege to cast a ballot, to be in the legislative issues, work, they Jimenez 2 couldn't do anything. History is effective when it reveals to you how things where, the main thing that could take you there was the creative mind, however now, with all the innovation that we have, we even can make an image or a sketch of how the things were. basing on the things that had been found too. Something that the antiquarians did, they continually condemn, right and supplement other student of history perspective, they draw nearer to reality contending with each other. Historiography advises you that history is certifiably not a shut book, is an update that there is continually something to contend ever, it make us think or see what was before everything, the progressions that have been in the development of America, legislative issues changes, racial equity, sex, contrasts in the general public, training, work. There has been a famous change or development on how America has change. There are four phases in which the composition of American history has passed: the opportune, the pragmatist, the patriot and the expert. The opportune history in the United States from the seventeenth and eighteenth, priests and justices and composed a made of type of fortunate history. The puritans who settled in the United States accepted that they were picked by god that prompted the type of their history to a sacred narrative one. Puritans utilized this type of composing for all men anyone that had confidence in god. The realism, they were totally different with the opportune in light of the fact that they didnt accepted that they were just picked by god, they accepted that feelings or activities should follow up on reason and information not on their strict conviction. They were managed by the characteristic law was the possibility of Newton, Locke, and the French rationalists (p. 75). The realist Jimenez 3 history specialists were the informed class in the settlements, the new story they told was of progress and reason. the greater part of the students of history of the eighteenth century were layer-government officials, grower blue-bloods, vendors or experts. Tomas Jefferson was impacted by this development and later on compose a book named Notes on the State of Virginia in 1785. This book permit to men to find and seek after their fate and accepted that they were free. From that point forward, nobody was liberated from bondage. This demonstrates the history during the logic the lawmakers just mentions to you what you need to hear, similar to right now it happens the equivalent, everything was and is just about riches, influence, rights. In patriot history changed the way that in this stage the ladies contributed and contend in theirs viewpoints or perspectives. students of history of ladies modified the account of America from the earliest starting point to the ongoing past. They didn't give ladies a spot in the current accounts, they just reconceived entire fields of history. A case of the ladies students of history were Hanna Adams, Susanna Rowson, Elizabeth Peabody, and Emma Willard (p. 76) The expert antiquarians began by the middles class that got taught through school or college which turned out to be generally to just white guys. History turned into a calling and the best way to get to was to rehearse it and be at a propelled level in the subject. Their high sentiment on recognize logically and demonstrate reality from a sentimental idea. In this time we can see through what has passed American History and found out about the various changes that our history has had, and furthermore this has help to have America Jimenez 4 how is it now. At this moment we see the thing extraordinary, for instance, ladies can cast a ballot, ladies can do much more things that they couldnt before, there is no servitude, everybody is free and follow their fantasies and overcome their objectives and that is a major change.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Presented in the play Essay Example For Students
Introduced in the play Essay Mr Hale starts by looking at the young ladies who are still in a daze for indications of the fallen angel. The main young lady he inspects is Betty Parriss then he requests to see Ruth Putnam. While seeing Ruth Putnam he asks the individuals in the room if there had been any abnormal conduct and Reverend Parriss mentions to him what he found in the forested areas and who he saw including his niece Abigail and his little girl Betty. Obviously Abigail who is in the room is interrogated regarding the occasions of that night and she just attempts to clarify that they were moving, moving was not permitted yet didn't hold the punishment of death. At the point when apparently Mr Hale is getting increasingly worried about the soup they were making and a frog hopping into the soup Abigail understands that she could be in a tough situation. All the young ladies were brought to the congregation to be addressed by Mr Hale and when Mr Hale inquired as to whether there was a throwing of spells Mary Warren focuses at Abigail and Abigail denies throwing any spells and faults Tituba. All the fault is presently being laid on this poor dark young lady who was at no more issue than any of different young ladies found in the forested areas. Abigail says that all the spells cast were from Tituba and this puts Tituba in a horrible position she likewise needs to discover an exit from. To escape this hazardous circumstance Tituba concedes that the fallen angel is with her yet Mr Hale says Tituba is the eyes of God and it is now that things get ugly. Tituba begins naming individuals she has seen with the fallen angel Sarah Good, Goody Osbourn When this name is referenced Mrs Putnam who has three dead youngsters currently accuses Goody Osbourn for the loss of these kids as she was the birthing assistant. Unexpectedly Betty wakes and names George Jacobs as being with the fallen angel and furthermore Goody Howe with the demon and Martha Bellows. They continue shouting names out not understanding what awful issues will happen along these lines. The young ladies presently observe out of being censured as witches, they should simply say they have seen others with the villain and that they are the eyes of God. John Proctor is recounted the detainment of numerous ladies from Salem and he can hardly imagine how such a significant number of ladies have been placed into prison. His significant other reveals to him that Abigail is obviously the most harrowed of the considerable number of young ladies. The scenes in the film show John and his better half talking as equivalents to each other. John tells his better half that Abigail let him know precisely what went on in the forested areas and Goody Proctor discloses to him he should go to the court and tell the appointed authorities exactly what Abigail has said however John realizes that when Abigail revealed to him these things they were separated from everyone else and it will be hard to demonstrate. There is a great deal of pressure among John and his better half with respect to what occurred among John and Abigail and their story is extremely just equivalent to a story today of infidelity and a spouse excusing yet not overlooking what has occurred. Numerous appointed authorities have been gotten to Salem to pass judgment on the denounced. The women need to admit to being witches and in the event that they do so they won't hang. This must be incredibly hard for the denounced in light of the fact that they need to confess to something that they are not and be marked a witch forever. .ub6018f2dec41900f986b085059c918ca , .ub6018f2dec41900f986b085059c918ca .postImageUrl , .ub6018f2dec41900f986b085059c918ca .focused content region { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .ub6018f2dec41900f986b085059c918ca , .ub6018f2dec41900f986b085059c918ca:hover , .ub6018f2dec41900f986b085059c918ca:visited , .ub6018f2dec41900f986b085059c918ca:active { border:0!important; } .ub6018f2dec41900f986b085059c918ca .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .ub6018f2dec41900f986b085059c918ca { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; darkness: 1; change: mistiness 250ms; webkit-change: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .ub6018f2dec41900f986b085059c918ca:active , .ub6018f2dec41900f986b085059c918ca:hover { haziness: 1; progress: obscurity 250ms; webkit-change: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .ub6018f2dec41900f986b085059c918ca .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relative; } .ub6018f2dec41900f986b085059c918ca .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content embellishment: underline; } .ub6018f2dec41900f986b085059c918ca .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .ub6018f2dec41900f986b085059c918ca .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; fringe sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: intense; line-tallness: 26px; moz-outskirt span: 3px; content adjust: focus; content improvement: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/modules/intelly-related-posts/resources/pictures/basic arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .ub6018f2dec41900f986b085059c918ca:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .ub6018f2dec41900f9 86b085059c918ca .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .ub6018f2dec41900f986b085059c918ca-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .ub6018f2dec41900f986b085059c918ca:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Tartuffe â⬠A Monolog From The Play By Moliere Essay Research PaperWe additionally observe as of now Putnam having warmed contentions with both John Proctor and Mr Jacobs as to land lines. In the long run Mr Jacobs is additionally marked a witch by Ruth Putnam which shows how the town all in all was utilizing this witch chase to settle the score with individuals who they loathed. Presently we see a hireling of the Proctors, Mary Warren who is going each day to the witch preliminaries and John is exceptionally irritated with her for doing as such. Mary Warren advises the Proctors that she needs to go to court as she is an authori ty and she illuminates Goody Proctor that she has been blamed for being a witch however this had been excused by the court. She presents Goody Proctor with a little cloth doll she has made while sitting in court. Mary Warren won't tell the Proctors who blamed Goody Proctor for being a witch. Goody Proctor knows that it is Abigail who has blamed her for black magic, she knows and it was evident to me that Abigail was attempting to discover a method of disposing of Johns spouse. In all actuality Abigail realizes that Goody Proctor doesn't lie and won't confess to being a witch and will thusly hang.
Explain the Similarities and Differences in Cultures between the Research Paper
Clarify the Similarities and Differences in Cultures between the United States and Egypt - Research Paper Example In the two nations, online networking as a type of correspondence has reinforced social connections, given individuals a solid feeling of having a place and personality, and fortified societies of these countries.1 Albeit the two nations grasp online networking, their level of utilization differs. The United States is a profoundly evolved nation, with cutting edge innovation; along these lines, it has grasped web based life more than Egypt, which positions underneath it. The United States pioneers a great part of the worldwide social changes today through social media.2 This reforms other world societies. Societies of the U.S and Egypt likewise experience slow unrest because of the multifaceted correspondence and connection encouraged by utilization of internet based life by the individuals. Indisputably, basing via web-based networking media, the way of life of the United States and Egypt register more similitudes. Be that as it may, the innovative advances of Egypt, which can't look at the United States, makes Egypt register fewer online life clients. In any case, web based life use in the two nations is a solid column liable for insurgency of their
Friday, August 21, 2020
Proposal for Inventory System Essay
In todayââ¬â¢s worldwide world, access to essential and quality social insurance is pivotal and basic so as to have a decent and solid life. Taking into account this, entrance to quality and reasonable medications is a fundamental crude material in improving great and quality medicinal services. It is thusly fundamental and critical to guarantee that patients can without much of a stretch gain admittance to quality, un-terminated and moderate medications for the treatment of their infections and disorders. Above all the productivity with which these administrations are done can go far to spare lives and enhance the wellbeing status of people. Medisol Pharmaceutical Company Limited is a private retail pharmaceutical organization set up in Ghana and their principle center is to consistently sell pharmaceuticals, healthy skin items, child care items and beautifying agents to its clients. The organization puts forth nonstop attempts to amplify clientââ¬â¢s fulfillment by giving great client support and furthermore sectioning their market in order to empower clients have simple access to their business outlets. The organization has its administrative center at Kanda and two different branches at west legon and kasowa separately with their primary objective gatherings being the overall population. Medisol Pharmaceutical Company ltd. has two significant offices specifically the Finance/Administrative Department and the Retail Department which are straightforwardly under the management of the CEO. The organization has numerical staff quality of five (5) including a CEO, a director drug specialist, drug specialist, a bookkeeper and a medication counter colleague. The following is an organogram of Medisol Pharmaceutical organization ltd. The Finance/Administrative division which is going by the bookkeeper handles fundamentally the money related and authoritative errands of the organization. The companyââ¬â¢s Retail Department fills in as a contact among Medisol and its clients and is going by the Medicine Counter Assistant. The principle duties of this office are to deal with the retail stock, offer things to clients and submit week after week reports to the CEO. Medisolââ¬â¢s tasks are exclusively manual; as our group got to the organization we were favored to address the leader of the retail office who disclosed completely to us how the manual procedure happens. The procedure begins with stock buy where the medication counter right hand makes a rundown of every required thing to be purchased. This rundown is sent to their wholesalers for conveyance of the things. Upon conveyance, the things are crossed checked with the request list made and a business receipt is then given to Medisol which is then documented in a buying record. Things to be sold are orchestrated on racks with sticker prices on every thing. Subtleties of things sold are recorded in a business book. Retail stocks are taken multiple times in a month and the procedure utilized is as per the following; - Drugs on the racks are tallied and the amount is crossed checked with the business receipt kept in the buy file(which shows amount of things purchased ), this is done to know the amount of things sold - The amount of sold things is then crossed checked from the business books to additionally check if the things were truly sold, terminated or taken. This procedure causes them to realize how much things have been sold, how much stock is left and furthermore decide if to make a request or not. Medisol additionally has a unique method of distinguishing lapsed medications so they wonââ¬â¢t be offered to clients, with this the medication counter right hand readies a manual rundown of medications whose expiry date falls inside a specific year consequently at regular intervals this rundown is checked for drugs which have their expiry dates nearer or effectively terminated. Those practically going to terminate are sold quicker while those effectively lapsed are cleared from the racks and disposed of. In todayââ¬â¢s world it is difficult to contend in the activity showcase without a working information on IT. It is accordingly basic that Medisol Pharmaceutical Company Limited actualize and put into great stock control the executives framework that can track, report and recharge stock. This will at that point improve exactness and upgrade security and productivity along these lines helping the resale division decline stock blunders. This arrangement is expected to assist the office with managing all exchanges of got stocks, value, amount and receipt. Security of this framework will be improved, making it unthinkable for things to be lost or taken. The advantages of the electronic stock control framework to Medisol Pharmaceutical Company ltd. is to settle on stock choices that limit the all out expense of stock, which is particularly not quite the same as limiting stock. It is frequently increasingly costly to come up short on a thing (and subsequently be compelled to get it through progressively costly channels) than essentially to keep more units in stock. A few models have been proposed in the writing for limiting the complete expense of stock using a financial request amount, which endeavors to adjust the conveying expenses of stock with the expense of coming up short on a thing. Most drug store stock choices include replenishmentââ¬how a lot to arrange, when to choose to arrange, and when to put in the request.
Saturday, August 1, 2020
Comedown, Crash, or Rebound Effect After Taking Drugs
Comedown, Crash, or Rebound Effect After Taking Drugs Addiction Print The Comedown, Crash, or Rebound Effect of Drugs How Drug After-Effects Worsen Addiction By Elizabeth Hartney, BSc., MSc., MA, PhD Elizabeth Hartney, BSc, MSc, MA, PhD is a psychologist, professor, and Director of the Centre for Health Leadership and Research at Royal Roads University, Canada. Learn about our editorial policy Elizabeth Hartney, BSc., MSc., MA, PhD Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on October 27, 2019 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on January 30, 2020 Verywell / Emily Roberts More in Addiction Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Drug Use Nicotine Use Coping and Recovery In This Article Table of Contents Expand The Rebound Effect The Comedown The Crash Withdrawal Fatigue Body Recovery Energy Recovery View All Back To Top A rebound effect, a crash, and a comedown are all drug after-effects that cause different symptoms. It is important to understand each condition and how each set of symptoms plays a role in addiction. The Rebound Effect A rebound effect is what happens when the body tries to bring itself back into balance (a condition known as homeostasis) after a drug has been taken, by creating physical symptoms which are the opposite to those caused by the drug. One of the ironies of addiction is that the rebound effect causes the user to experience the very same effects they were hoping to escape through drug use. This can actually worsen the risk of developing an addiction, as users seek to recapture the effects they experienced after taking the drug. For example, when you take a sedative drug, which causes relaxation and drowsiness, a rebound effect of agitation will occur after the drug wears off, making you want to take more of the sedative drug in order to calm down. Understanding the rebound effect explains why certain drugs, particularly those that have a quick and intense effect on the nervous system, are very addictive. The cravings that people often feel for these drugs are, at least in part, caused by the association that people have between the mental and physical state they want to be in, and the drug that can promote that state. When the drug wears off, being even further from the state you were seeking can make more of the drug seem like a good idea. This is especially true if the user wants to maintain the state. They are trying to stay awake or alert for longer than the effects of the stimulant, or they are trying to sleep or relax for longer than the effects of the depressant, sedative, or tranquilizer they have taken. Pain is also intensified during a rebound from a painkiller, such as an opioid medication, or a street drug, such as heroin. The pain can be physical or emotional and are usually experienced in combination, as physical and emotional pain go hand in hand, so it is easy to see how painkiller addiction develops. There is never a good time to be in pain, especially for people who experienced chronic pain before taking the drug. The Comedown The comedown is the feeling of the effects of a drug gradually wearing off, after a period of intoxication. It is often described as coming down from the drug high. The experience of a comedown will vary depending on which drug was taken, how much was taken, the previous substance use of the person who took the drug, and individual sensitivities to drug effects. If the intoxication experience was too intense and made the person who took the drug feel uncomfortable, anxious, or delusional, the comedown can feel relatively pleasant, while for others, the comedown can be a disappointing sensation, signaling a return to reality and perhaps triggering further drug use. If you feel ill during a comedown, you may be having medical complications in reaction to the drug. If these persist, it is important to get a medical evaluation. It is also important to be evaluated for emotional or psychological symptoms, such as extreme anxiety or panic, paranoid feelings, extreme anger, distress or depression, especially if this involves thoughts of hurting yourself or someone else, and psychotic symptoms, such as hearing voices. Make sure you tell them what you have taken, how much, and when. It is better to get early intervention than suffer greater complications later on. The Crash The crash is the intense exhaustion that people sometimes feel after using drugs, particularly those that are stimulating, such as cocaine, meth, and even high doses of caffeine. A crash involves helping the body recover not only from the toxicity and effects of the drugs, but also from any over-exertion, lack of sleep, injuries, or other harms that potentially occurred during intoxication. This crash can last much longer than the original high because the body needs longer to recover from the effects of the substance and other behaviors that may have affected the drug user, such as lack of sleep. The most intense and unpleasant crash is typically experienced by users of crack cocaine. The drug can be taken for several days at a time, with users becoming increasingly agitated and paranoid, before crashing out for several days of recovery. Nasal cocaine users can experience the same pattern, but with less intensity than crack cocaine. Experts consider the short, intense high coupled with the rapid onset of the crash, which is lifted by more of the drug, to explain why nicotine and crack cocaine are so addictive.?? Withdrawal Fatigue If you stop taking drugs, you may experience withdrawal fatigue. Withdrawal is the physical and emotional experience that occurs when a drug is discontinued after a period of continuous or excessive use. Regardless of the drug taken, fatigue is a trademark symptom of withdrawal. Even if the drug was a relaxing substance, the inability to relax and sleep will lead to the user feeling more tired than usual. In fact, it may be even more difficult for someone recovering from a sedative drug to sleep than for someone who took a stimulant, who may be able to crash for days. Research has shown that people withdrawing from alcohol have sleep disturbances, poor sleep quality, and do not function well during the day for a month after discontinuing drinking.?? They also experience considerable psychological distress during this time. Body Recovery Withdrawal fatigue is exhausting, but people often try and keep going at their usual pace. This is not a good idea, as it will take longer to restore energy and return to normal activities. Fatigue is your bodys way of getting you to rest and recuperate. Allow your body to recover by following these tips: Take a break from your usual activitiesâ"dont go out socializing for a few days.Call work or school and take a few days off sickâ"even if it is self-inflicted, you are not well enough to be up and about.Get plenty of rest. Practicing relaxation skills are very useful, and if you can, get enough sleep.If you cant sleep, try and do restful activities during the night, and, unless you are fully asleep, get up, bathe, dress, and eat during the daytime. This will help reset your body clock, which may have been affected by you not sleeping and waking at the usual times while you were using drugs.If you are able to eat well, particularly fruit, vegetables, and protein, it will help your body to heal. If you dont have access to fresh, healthy food, talk to a pharmacist about the right amount of vitamin supplements. Vitamin C will help your tissues to heal, and vitamin B complex is often helpful for people withdrawing from nicotine. If you dont start to feel your energy return after a week or so of rest, see your doctor. Many people who use alcohol and drugs often have an underlying depressive disorder or other mood disorders.?? Sometimes, by getting proper treatment for the depression, people find that their substance use problems improve and they can quit. Other people can develop anxiety, depression, or psychosis in reaction to a drug.?? Sex problems, sleep problems, and other emotional difficulties can sometimes develop after using drugs. These are known as substance-induced disorders. An addiction medicine specialist is the best person to diagnose your condition and advise you on treatment, but if you dont have access to a specialist, talk it over with another healthcare provider. Energy Recovery Everyones experience of recovery is different. However, the good news is that most people who discontinue using drugs and alcohol regain energy, sometimes in as little as a few weeks. Of course, how quickly you recover will depend on many factors, such as your general state of health, how much and for how long you were using substances, your lifestyle during this time, and emotional factors, such as whether you were or are living in a supportive community or family, and whether you feel safe with the people around you. If you are not living with or near people who support you, it will be more difficult to regain your energy after substance use. If you are in an abusive relationship, it is unlikely you will feel alright until you get away from the abuser. No matter how much sleep you get, living with someone who hurts you emotionally or physically is exhausting. If this is the case for you, reach out for help. There are many resources available to help you and your children to make a fresh start. In the long term, nothing will be better for your energy than a drug-free, anxiety-free lifestyle. Your doctor or local police can help you if you are living with or feel controlled by someone you are in a relationship with.
Sunday, June 28, 2020
The Narrative of Fredrick Douglass Essay - 1100 Words
The Narrative of Fredrick Douglass (Essay Sample) Content: Studentà ¢Ã¢â ¬s NameProfessorà ¢Ã¢â ¬s NameSubjectDateThe Narrative of the Life of Fredrick DouglassThe Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass: An American Slave is a slave narrative written by Fredrick Douglass. The narrative comprises of eleven chapters that give an account of Douglassà ¢Ã¢â ¬ life as a slave, and his quest to get educated, and become free from the slavery institution. In this narrative, Douglass struggles to free himself from the mentally, physically, and emotional torture of slavery, and the slavery itself. Douglass was taken away from his parents at a tender age and sent to live in Baltimore with his masters, Sophia and Hugh Auld. It was through his stay with the Auldà ¢Ã¢â ¬s that he came to learn of the whites dominance and power over the black people/ slaves by making sure that they were uneducated. After his discovery, Douglass narrates how he decided to get educated in order to escape and free himself from slavery. Douglass was determined to get educated and he used this education to teach his fellow slaves and is later jailed after his plan to escape was discovered. In the end, Douglass was able to learn how to read and write well as well as to escape.Douglass wrote this narrative to let the audience know how the black slaves were brutally treated by the whites. He narrates how their owners in order to satisfy their sexual hunger, and to expand the slave population constantly raped the slave women. In addition, he narrates how the slave owners used religious teaching to justify their detestable treatment of slaves when he says, "I can see no reason, but the most deceitful one, for calling the religion of this land Christianity" (Douglass 29). Douglass tells the audience of the harsh condition, he and the other slaves faced in the hands of the whites, from the brutal beatings to murder of slaves, which went unpunished.Throughout the text, Douglass describes the life the slaves lived, and their sufferin g due to lack of education. The text significantly expresses the experiences of Douglass as a slave, and how they made him the man he became through education. The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass is an insightful book for the people who seek knowledge as the author clearly notes that, knowledge is freedom and power. The tribulations Douglass encountered were so real and make the reader identify with them, and strive to gain more knowledge to be able to defend him/herself from social injustices. Through his writing, he was able to influence many famous abolitionists.One of the main reasons why Douglass wrote this narrative was to offset the undignified and humiliating way, in which the white people viewed him, plus the other slaves. Douglass witnessed the brutalization of his fellow black people whose only mistake as he narrates was to be born of the wrong color, black. The whites treated the blacks with brutality and were against them being educated. Douglass desired to learn how to read and write, and his master did everything to stop him from gaining knowledge on how to read and write. Douglass writes, "Whilst I was saddened by the thought of losing the aid of my kind mistress, I was gladdened by the invaluable instruction which, by the merest accident, I had gained from my master" (Douglass 38). This was after Mr. Auld orders his wife Sophia to stop offering Douglass reading lessons. This made him more determined to learn how to read and write because he knew it was a key to his freedom. Despite all this, Douglass was able to learn how to read and write and he decided to write about the white peopleà ¢Ã¢â ¬s evils and how they mistreated the black people. Douglass wrote this narrative to analyze the slavery issue and expose why the whites were against the blacks becoming literate.Another reason why Douglass wrote this narrative was to shape the future of the black people. The black people were illiterate because their owners denied them the chance to become literate. Douglass writes how Hugh Auld said, "If you teach that nigger how to read, there would be no keeping him. It would forever unfit him to be a slave. He would at once become unmanageable, and of no value to his master" (38). The owners knew that if they got education, they would rebel against them and refuse to work for them. Therefore, when Douglass learned about this from his master, he knew that education was the key to his freedom and he has to get educated first, to free his intellect. Fredrick writes, "The more I read, the more I was led to abhor and detest my enslavers" (49). It was only after he was able to read, that is when he learnt of the evils of slavery, and what exactly was happening to his fellow black people. After he became literate and read many books, he took the mandate to educate his fellow slaves, to shape their future, and to free them.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Religious Freedom More Than Just America s Hobby Anymore
Religious Freedom: More Than Just Americaââ¬â¢s Hobby Anymore Religious freedom in the United States originated in the reason that many pilgrims arrived on North Americaââ¬â¢s shores. They were leaving so that they could practice their version of their religion unhindered by a government entity. This was later reaffirmed by the Constitution of the United States with the First Amendmentââ¬â¢s Free Exercise Clause. The laws of the land continued to be relooked at by the Supreme Court and religious freedom was one of the issues addressed. Decisions were made lessening religious freedom in the Employment Division v. Smith case and then increased with the passing of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) and the Religious Land Use andâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦This stems less from the decision in Hobby Lobby and more from the controversy in sexual orientation and same-sex marriage (Horwitz, ââ¬Å"The Hobby Lobby Momentâ⬠). When it comes to religious freedom Americans can set religious accommodation versus gay rights aside as on e of the issues soon to come up. Any curiosity about where the Court may stand on the issue can be found in the precedent of the Hobby Lobby decision. The arguments brought before the Supreme Court in the Hobby Lobby case represent two opinions on whether the Affordable Care Act had crossed this threshold, ââ¬Å"Government shall not substantially burden a personââ¬â¢s exercise of religion even if the burden results from a rule of general applicability,â⬠unless the burden is ââ¬Å"in furtherance of a compelling governmental interestâ⬠and ââ¬Å"is the least restrictive means of furthering that compelling governmental interestâ⬠(Quoted in Horwitz, ââ¬Å"The Hobby Lobby Momentâ⬠). Author Garrett Epps sums the argument against as: ââ¬Å"Employers pay for an insurance program. That insurance, not the pills themselves, is part of the package the
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Martin Luther King Jr. Essay - 1890 Words
NAME INSTRUCTORS NAME ENGLISH 101 DUE DATE Martin Luther King Jr. A Negro is still not free. There is reason beyond doubt that Martin Luther King Jr. lost his life trying to restore lives of African-American people in the states. With the sculpture of Abraham Lincoln, one of the greatest presidents, soaring behind him, King used the rhetorical talents he had picked up as a Baptist preacher to elaborate how a ââ¬Å"Negro is still not free. This speech was a passionate expressive discourse, counterfeited out of the language and essence of democracy. He told of the struggle ahead, emphasizing the importance of persistent action and peaceful protest. He stated that; I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. The message behind Dr. Kingââ¬â¢s quote spoke about a world where people would be judged by their morals instead of their outwardly appearance. This mome ntous decree is a great beacon light of hope to millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice. Martin Luther Kingsââ¬â¢ words still hold an exquisite power more than 40 years after his death but a Negro is still not at liberty. One hundred years later, the life of a negro is still severely crippled by the bonds of injustice and theShow MoreRelatedMartin Luther King Jr.867 Words à |à 4 Pagespeople, one of them is Martin Luther King Jr. He made the world a better place for black citizens by doing non-violence movements and marched the way to freedom. Martin Luther King Jr. was born on January 15, 1929, in Atlanta Georgia as Michael King Jr., but changed his name to Martin Luther King Jr. in honor of Protestant Martin Luther. Through his activism, King played a pivotal role in ending the legal discrimination of African American citizens. During his childhood, Martin Jr.ââ¬â¢s father stronglyRead MoreMartin Luther King Jr1194 Words à |à 5 Pagesï » ¿ Simmons 1 Gabrielle Simmons Mrs. Fitzgerald Social Studies 8A 4/27/10 Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King Jr. is a well known and an inspiring man to all cultures of the world. King was and still is one of the most influential heroes. King s views and believes helped African Americans through the 50 s and 60 s to the rights and liberties that was their right. King faced many obstacles on his journey, things like jail and even assassination attempts. Despite these obstacles,Read MoreMartin Luther King Jr.1078 Words à |à 5 PagesMartin Luther King, Jr., was a very strong person, constantly fighting for what he believed in, which was equality for African Americans. He was not scared to stand up and tell the world what he wanted for society. He was fearless and did everything in his power to prove a point. Martin Luther King, Jr., was the strongest individual of his time, for he fought until death, which proves how much he was willing to risk his life to make the world an equal place. Growing up, he had a very interestingRead MoreMartin Luther King, Jr Essay1153 Words à |à 5 Pagesbe slaves, African-Americans saw a road trip to equality through the eyes of Martin Luther King, Jr. Even after being emancipated from slaves to citizens, African-Americans were not ready to wage the battle against segregation alone. The weight which African Americans carried on their back, was lightened when they began to see what Martin Luther King, Jr. brought to the table against segregation. Martin Luther King, Jr. was the single most important African-American leader of the Civil Rights MovementRead MoreBiography of Martin Luther King, Jr745 Words à |à 3 PagesMartin Luther King, Jr. (January 15, 1929-April 4, 1968) was born on in his mothers parents large house on Auburn Avenue in Atlanta, Georgia. He was the second child, and was first named Michael, after his father. Both changed their names to Martin when the boy was still young. King JR was born into a financially secu re family middle class with that, They received better education in respect to most people of their race. King Jr, noticed this and this influenced him to live a life of social protestRead MoreEssay on Martin Luther King, Jr.591 Words à |à 3 PagesMartin Luther King, Jr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was born at home on Tuesday, January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. His parents were Martin Luther, Sr. and Alberta King. He was born into a world where segregation was the law. Where his boyhood best friend, who was white, wasnt allowed to play with him once they started school. Where black people went to separate bathrooms, drank from separate water fountains, couldnt eat in whites only restaurants, and had toRead MoreMartin Luther King Jr.1144 Words à |à 5 PagesMartin Luther King Jr. (January 15 1929-April 4, 1968) Brief Summary (of who MLK Jr. is): Martin Luther King Jr. was a Baptist minister and an activist who led the civil rights movement in the 1950. He was a fundamental force behind the civil rights movement that ended legal segregation. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. But he was sadly assassinated in 1968 on a second floor balcony of Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennesseeâ⬠¦ Childhood: Martin Luther was never poor. He lived with a middleRead MoreMartin Luther King Jr.2405 Words à |à 10 PagesMartin Luther King Jr. was a Baptist minister and social activist, who led the Civil Rights Movement in the United States from the mid-1950s until his death by assassination in 1968. IN THESE GROUPS NOBEL PEACE PRIZE WINNERS FAMOUS PEOPLE WHO DIED IN 1968 FAMOUS PEOPLE WHO WENT TO PRISON FAMOUS CAPRICORNS Show All Groups 1 of 19 à « à » QUOTES ââ¬Å"But we come here tonight to be saved from that patience that makes us patient with anything less than freedom and justice.â⬠ââ¬âMartin Luther King Jr. Read MoreMartin Luther King Jr. Essay1862 Words à |à 8 Pagesbut the content of the character,â⬠(Martin Luther King Jr,1963) Martin Luther King Jr. was a smart child and had a good childhood. He learned values from his parents, and Martin Luther King Jr was a man of much wisdom during his time. He was a major contributor to the civil rights movement, and those contributions have profound effect even today. Michael Luther King was Martin Luther King Jrââ¬â¢s name when was born. His parents changed his name to Martin Luther King when he was just a young boy. TheyRead More Martin Luther King Jr. Essay637 Words à |à 3 Pages Martin Luther King, Jr. was perhaps one of the most influential person of our time. As the father of modern civil rights movement, Dr.Martin Luther king, Jr., is recognized around the world as a symbol of freedom and peace. Born January 15, 1929, King was the son of an Atlanta pastor. King accomplished many achievements during his life. He graduated from Morehouse as a minister in 1948 and went on to Crozer Theological seminary in Chester, Pa., where he earned a divinity degree. After that King
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Social And Ethical Standards For The Tobacco Companies
The tobacco companies have a high expectation to adhere to set out by the stakeholders; customers or consumers, employees, managers, directors, and shareholders etc, to go beyond just the traditional ways of only making products to profit. In the stakeholdersââ¬â¢ eyes, paying taxes and job creation are the sole contribution to the society. They express their concerns to address social and ethical standards for the tobacco companies. Philanthropy social responsibility is very much needed to protect the society and its environment. Moreover, corporate social responsibility is one of the necessary key elements in a companyââ¬â¢s business plan. For example, stakeholders look at the companies who adopt the policies for environmental protection and fair labour relations with employees and the community. (1) This report examines the economic, social and environmental issues and responsibilities related to Tobacco and its industry. It lies out the general discussion on how tobacco is introduced to the market, where and how the tobacco plants are cultivated, and what kinds of other issues may arise while growing the plants. Moreover, it continues on the analysis of a significant issue while growing plants, such as poor labour practice; working conditions in the work place, or fair number of hours for the farm workers. It helps develop the understanding on how to deal with this significant issue, and how to add value through corporate social responsibility. In conclusion, there are someShow MoreRelatedImperial Tobacco Company Of India Ltd1350 Words à |à 6 PagesImperial Tobacco Company of India Ltd. (ITC Ltd.), is a diversified company that has its key dominants in the cigarette industry in India. They are one of four companies that account for 95% of the tobacco market (Ojha, 2010, pp. 1). They have room for improvements and desire to invest in hotels, agri0business [which includes tobacco] and more. The Chairman, of ITC Ltd. has addressed the companyââ¬â¢s shareholders, explained that if the market for virtue may be weakened, they would still pursue a responsibleRead MoreBusiness Ethics And Corporate Social Responsibility1512 Words à |à 7 PagesSocial Responsibility ITC Ltd has worked exremly hard to start several procedures that have led to compliance of the standards of social responsibility. ITCââ¬â¢s dealings within the tobacco industry have contributed to the increase in company revenues and the company has worked towards following the triple bottom line and giving back to society. Most, businesses pay little attention to their social responsibilities and make it part of their overall strategy, instead they concentrate more on financialRead MoreBAN ON TOBACCO ADVERTISEMENT IN INDIA800 Words à |à 4 PagesBAN ON TOBACCO ADVERTISEMENT IN INDIA In 2004 the government of India banned tobacco companies from advertising their products and sponsoring sports and cultural events. The objective was to discourage adolescents from consuming tobacco products as well as empower the government with the power to launch an anti tobacco program. . This issue created a serious problem in that it was both ethical and commercial, the government on one hand, believe it was its responsibility to protect the welfare ofRead MoreTobacco Third World Countries1246 Words à |à 5 PagesThis case deals with the ethical dilemma that Tobacco manufactures face when selling tobacco products in third world countries. First, there is the ethical dilemma of business versus health. The opening and development of the tobacco business in Third World countries like China, Malaysia, Indonesia, India and Africa, is considered against the health consequences of tobacco use which according to an Oxford University epidemiologist, has estimated to cost 3 million li ves annually rising to 10 millionRead MoreThe Ethical And Moral Nature Of Products And Services917 Words à |à 4 Pagessophisticated quantitative and qualitative methods in trying to conjure up a business model that will incorporate all variables and lead to the best possible outcomes for sustainability and growth in a given sector. Some of the emerging issues relate to the ethical and moral nature of products and services that the businesses trade in a scientific research coupled with an explosion in innovational technologies has illuminated the adverse effects of products that were previously thought to be harmless. TechnologyRead MoreGlobalization And The Global Tobacco Industry1634 Words à |à 7 PagesAuthor Peter Bensonââ¬â¢s ethnography Tobacco Capitalism: Growers, Migrant Workers, and the Changing Face of a Global Industry, provides and extensive examination into the lives of tobacco famers residing in North Carolina and the global tobacco industry as it undergoes pro found changes though facets such as globalization, industrialization, the anti-tobacco movement, and debates over immigration. The seventh most valuable agricultural commodity in the United States; tobacco is a $1.5 billion dollar industryRead MoreWhat Role Should Management Have Within A Business Essay1744 Words à |à 7 Pagesbusiness regarding social responsibility? Explain. According to Friedman, a managerââ¬â¢s only responsibility is to the shareholders, and not society as a whole (Jennings, 111). We all agree that a manager s primary responsibility is to the company and the shareholders. We feel that the managerââ¬â¢s role is to act as an agent to conduct business in congruence with the goals set by the shareholders and laws of society, effectively making profit for the company. What are the different social responsibilitiesRead MoreLeadership Practices in The Post-Bureaucratic Era1575 Words à |à 7 Pagespractices,by drawing on Fernando,Dharmage and Almeida (2008),Wray-Bliss (2007),Bansal (2002) and others. There are a few leadership practices commonly discussed in the post-bureacratic era such as authentic leadership,stakeholder theory and corporate social responsibility.These business behaviors are considered to contribute to corporate sustainable management.(Clegg,Kornberger Pitsis 2005).Organizations are not separate entities distinct from the society and many realised that they have the responsibilityRead MoreEssay about A Role of Ethics and Social Responsibilities in Management.1153 Words à |à 5 PagesEthics and Social Responsibilities in Management. Ethics can be defined as a process of evaluating actions according to moral principal of values(A.Alhemoud). Throughout the centuries people were trying to choose between profit and moral. Perhaps, some of them obtain both, but every time it could have roused ethical issues. Those issues concern fairness, justice, rightness or wrongness; as a result it can only be resolved according to ethical standards. Setting the ethical standards for the wayRead MoreEthical Investments1644 Words à |à 7 PagesEthical investments are similar to traditional investments with only one difference. Both traditional and ethical investors pursue the same goal of capital gains, higher income and/or preservation of capital for future needs. The major difference between traditional investors and ethical investors is that ethical investors do not want their investments going for things that cause harm to the social or physical environments. Instead they want their investments to support needed and life supportive
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Analysis Of Malcom X s The Media s The Most Powerful...
McCarthy 1 Kathryn McCarthy March 8, 2016 World Literature Bias in the News Media In the 1960ââ¬â¢s, Malcom X proclaimed that ââ¬Å"the mediaââ¬â¢s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and thatââ¬â¢s power. Because they control the minds of the massesâ⬠(Krishna). Since then, the media has only become more powerful with the rise of talk radio, cable television, and most importantly the Internet. Moreover, the outcome of elections are influenced by the media because the media has the power to change the ideology of people by using partisan beliefs (Thornton). The debate over whether or not reporters should be able to incorporate their personal views with their work has gained more power and attention. There is no reason for a reporter to insert his/her personal beliefs in his/her work. People in other professions such as doctors, judges, police officers and teachers are expected to keep their personal opinions aside from their work and the same s hould be expected of journalists and news reporters (Sullivan). Partisan beliefs damage the credibility of a story and it is important that the American people are able be receive cold hard facts. Bias in the media prevents the news from being objective and it blurs the line between journalism and activism (Carr). It is evident that bias exists in the media because major news stations are McCarthy 2 labeled as ââ¬Å"conservative orShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Media On Our Society Essay1007 Words à |à 5 PagesInfluences of Media on our Society There is no doubt that the media influences us. To state some examples to prove this claim, try answering the questions that follow. Do you feel like attempting a stunt from a movie? Do you base your fashion on what you see the celebrities are wearing? Do you copy the hairstyle of your favorite famous personalities? Have you ever attempted to walk model-like in an attempt to imitate those ramp models in fashion shows? If you answered yes to any of these questionsRead MoreIslamophobia Is The Most Predominant And Aggressing Issues3058 Words à |à 13 PagesIslamophobia is amongst the most predominant and aggressing issues we face at a local, national, and global level after the unfortunate 9/11 tragedy. Islamophobia can best be characterized as rejection of the Muslim population. From the view of a Non-Muslim, it is hated or fear of the Islamic principles, most often due to a limited distorted knowledge of them. From a Muslim perspective, it is unable to find recognition with in a soc iety due to their beliefs. This often promotes them to hold on to
Vacant Chapter 5 Payment Free Essays
We spend a quiet, comfortable evening and I canââ¬â¢t help watching Emily for most of it. Itââ¬â¢s obvious she hasnââ¬â¢t seen television in a while because sheââ¬â¢s mesmerized. We are watching some Cajun cooking show on public access, but to see it through her eyes, itââ¬â¢s like we are watching the most fascinating show known to man. We will write a custom essay sample on Vacant Chapter 5 Payment or any similar topic only for you Order Now ââ¬Å"I put a little moââ¬â¢ wine in here, maybe a little moââ¬â¢ wine foââ¬â¢ me,â⬠the host says in a Creole southern drawl. ââ¬Å"Oh my gosh! Ethan, he is so funny! ââ¬ËI gar-un-teeââ¬â¢!â⬠she laughs as she mimics the chef, and I canââ¬â¢t help the smile that cracks across my face. She could let the world swallow her whole with the weight of her situation, but she doesnââ¬â¢t. Instead she carries on, seemingly carefree, laughing at the talkative old cook with the gift of gab. ââ¬Å"Emily?â⬠She glances over at me, still laughing at the TV. Itââ¬â¢s the moment I know Iââ¬â¢m making the right decision. I take a deep breath, ready to lay things on the line. ââ¬Å"Hang on! Heââ¬â¢s going to tell a story about squirrel hunting! Thisââ¬â¢ll be good!â⬠Emily says with enthusiasm. While I really need to get my thoughts out, I canââ¬â¢t deny her this moment. Itââ¬â¢s so pure, so I decide to indulge her for the final five minutes of the show. As the Cookinââ¬â¢ Cajun finishes, Emily focuses her attention on me. ââ¬Å"You wanted to talk about something?â⬠The light and sparkle in her eyes is amazing. She looks happy and carefree instead of nervous. She seems to assume the best of every situation. Given the circumstances, youââ¬â¢d think she would be nervous, but instead, she acts as though weââ¬â¢re going to talk about whether sheââ¬â¢ll make oatmeal or chocolate chips cookies next. I suddenly feel something I havenââ¬â¢t felt in a very long time: content. ââ¬Å"Yeah,â⬠I begin, though Iââ¬â¢m not sure why Iââ¬â¢m nervous, other than the fact she may say no. She may refuse my help. She may tell me to mind my own business, that she doesnââ¬â¢t need anyone to look after her, but I have to try. ââ¬Å"I want you to stay here.â⬠Her mouth drops open, but no sound comes out. ââ¬Å"With me,â⬠I finish. Iââ¬â¢m not sure whether her speechlessness is a result of shock or horror. I decide to play it safe with more justification. ââ¬Å"You canââ¬â¢t squat next door. Itââ¬â¢s not safe, itââ¬â¢s illegal, and you donââ¬â¢t need any hassles from the cops.â⬠She sits for a moment with her eyes trained on her hands while her fingers twist with each other on her lap. Her hair is frizzy from the humidity, and despite having it pulled back, there are tiny tendrils sticking up forming an angelic halo around her face. After a few moments, she finally speaks. ââ¬Å"So, what do you want in return?â⬠What? Iââ¬â¢m fully aware she has no money, so why would she think I would want her to pay- Iââ¬â¢m not even finished with my own thought when I realize sheââ¬â¢s not talking about monetary payment. Nothing is ever free, and she thinks I want her in return for providing food and shelter. The thought strips me down to the core. ââ¬Å"No!â⬠I shout unnecessarily, but I canââ¬â¢t help it. I do not want that! Sheââ¬â¢s hiding her face, but I can see her scrunching her eyes closed. I take a breath to calm down and explain myself. ââ¬Å"No,â⬠I start again, much calmer than before. ââ¬Å"I donââ¬â¢t want anything from you, Emily. I want to help you. I know howâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ I stop and take a deep breath. I need her to understand where Iââ¬â¢m coming from. ââ¬Å"I know how hard this situation can be.â⬠She flinches and snaps her head up to look me in the eye. ââ¬Å"You donââ¬â¢t wantâ⬠¦you know, then?â⬠She gestures between us to further her point. Lie. ââ¬Å"No. The last thing I want is for you to be taken advantage of.â⬠While the thought of being with her physically is an attractive offer, I would never want it under that set of circumstances. I know how easy it is to become a target when youââ¬â¢re young and in need. ââ¬Å"But, why? Everyone wants something, Ethan. There has to be something you want from me. I mean, itââ¬â¢s okay if you wantâ⬠¦ you knowâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ Her cheeks flame red as she says this. God, sheââ¬â¢s so naive she canââ¬â¢t even say the word ââ¬Å"sex.â⬠It only solidifies my decision that Iââ¬â¢m doing the right thing, but sheââ¬â¢s right. People always want something in return, so I will have to give her a reason why I donââ¬â¢t want anything from her. I have to be honest with her and let her know that Iââ¬â¢m all too familiar with her situation. How to cite Vacant Chapter 5 Payment, Essay examples
Consumer Prosumer to Produser System â⬠Free Samples to Students
Question: Discuss about the Consumer Prosumer to Produser System. Answer: Introduction: The article - From Consumer to Prosumer to Produser: Who Keeps Shifting My Paradigm? (We Do!) by Claudia K. Grinnell gives the readers an idea about the transformation of the structure of Web from a simple informative system to an extra-ordinary platform, where everything has become nearly possible. The author has given her evaluative view about both the merits and demerits of the new Web 2.0 (Grinnell, 2009). In this article, the arguments have been structured precisely to the point. For instance, the author clearly argues for the numerous benefits that come with the online shopping portals like EBay or Amazon. In addition, the author does not spare words to argue against the shortcomings which the customers may face with online shopping and the reasons for so. In this article, the paragraphs drafted by the author are a mix of abstractness and specificity. In some cases, the author has been clear about the difficulties of blogging. It is true that there are some tactics in blogging, which even the silver haired marketers would find hard to manoeuvre. However, the author has failed in her projections of the true disadvantages of Web 2.0. The author could have taken the time to write more on the impacts of Google and Microsoft on Web 2.0 (Fuchs et al., 2013). In this article, the usage of evidences is quite appropriate. The author has taken time and effort to cite her work aptly. The usage of evidences is very important in an article because it shows that the author has made ample research before writing the article. In this article, there is good scope for further scholarship. While reading this article, the readers would indeed, feel the urge, to study more on the topic of Web 2.0. This article would draw the interest of the readers about the revolution of the concept of the Web and its various intricacies to make future scholarship or study (OReilly, 2012). References Fuchs, C., Boersma, K., Albrechtslund, A., Sandoval, M. (Eds.). (2013).Internet and surveillance: The challenges of Web 2.0 and social media(Vol. 16). Routledge. Grinnell, C. K. (2009). From consumer to prosumer to produser: Who keeps shifting my paradigm?(We do!).Public Culture,21(3), 577-598. OReilly, T. (2012). What is Web 2.0. 2005.See https://www. oreillynet. com/pub/a/oreilly/tim/news/2005/09/30/what-is-web-20. html.
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
The Stork And Craddle Shopp Essays - Customer Experience Management
The Stork And Craddle Shopp Introduction Summary of the Present Situation Brad and Sybil, owners of the Stork and Cradle Shop, believe that in order to grows their business they have to advertise or do direct mailings. Yet there is no guarantee that the thousands of dollars you just spent placing ads in newspapers or for the five thousand piece mailing will generate a profitable response. Unless you have a time-tested way to advertise that produces reliable results, you could be wasting limited and valuable resources. Yet many small businesses make the mistake of spending the majority of their time and resources here. While this can be effective method it works best for larger companies who have enough capital to consistently, and over a long period of time buy their customers response. However a small business with limited capital would be better off pursuing more creative marketing techniques to help ensure their success. The Stork and Cradle Shop will have to fly in a different direction this time. Executive Summery The Stork and Cradle is in the business of selling infant clothes and accessories to mothers ages 25 to 35. While this may be true its not really the business they are in from a business owner or a marketing perspective. They are in the business of selling a product, service, and/or an idea. They like so many small businesses must find out what their niche market is and who their customer is. We must also find out were we are on the product life cycle and what we must do to add excitement to that cycle. This will give them a better idea on how to effectively advertise and grow their business on limited funds. Marketing 101/Course of Action Retailing is based on a lot of fixed cost like Rent, initial inventory, phone, phone ad, heat, and labor. So the first step is to increase the unit of Sale. What this means is that they want to make the new and current customer purchase more than they normally would at each visit without scarifying profit margin. They must do this in a manner that will have positive implications so to increase customer satisfaction. The more satisfied a customer is the more likely they are to tell their friends. I call this internal advertising. Internal Advertising is design to towards the most powerful advertising of all-word of mouth. An example of this would be to buy an ink jet printer, scanner, and Transfer paper, heat press for a total cost of 1,500. This will allow you to custom imprint mom precious babys pictures on your existing line of cloths, pillows or almost anything. The uniqueness of this will advertise its self. By making a few phone calls I was able to quickly identify a company called magic touch. They are the ones that make the transfer paper. I called them and ask them if they had any data on the effectiveness of their product and who their main customers are. They said their main customers are Screen printers and office supply stores. They also said their transfer last forever and if it ever fades you can iron it and the colors comes back to brand new condition. This would be a creative marketing technique and would help out the product a lot. Another idea would be to increase the frequency of a sale. If a customer buys once a month then offer them a reason to buy twice a month. Talk to the customer or survey them to find out what will make them come in and buy more often. Customer data is very important and must be used. Upon ringing up a customer find out their name and address. This is not an uncommon practice. This information will help you to find out who your repeat customers are. You can send them information on specials that you may want to offer or new merchandise you may be carrying. Most small business owners I have talked to say word of mouth or referrals is where most of their new customers come from. If referrals are important we must spend time and capital to develop some kind or referral program. An easy way to do this is to
Monday, April 13, 2020
How to Write a Sample Essay Essay?
How to Write a Sample Essay Essay?One of the ways to learn how to write a sample essay is to work through samples from popular writers such as Moby Dick, Shakespeare, and Martin Luther King Jr. A sample essay or sample question could be used as an aid for developing a proper writing style.Students may need to try writing a few sample questions before they have developed a proper way of conducting research and reporting on information and facts. There are several ways to conduct this research, some of which include surfing the Internet, visiting libraries, going to bookstores, and participating in conferences.Students can also attempt to learn how to write a sample essay by looking at the examples from famous writers and examples from schools such as Harvard University. Students should remember that these sample essays are not typical of how everyone writes. So, it is important to note that these examples are not always reflective of the way people who will take an essay test will wri te.Some people assume that they have to use the same example from which to write a sample essay, and then they will want to write the essay from their own point of view. While, it is true that people who write under their own voices are able to use their own points of view to come up with the best essay answers, students must make sure that their responses reflect their own voice and not the voice of the writer.If a student wants to give good answers to sample essay questions, he or she should at least write some paragraphs based on their personal perspective. This method will help them develop an ability to create essays that are powerful and effective.Students can try to develop a style of writing and to develop a well-rounded writing style for the entire sample essay questions and answers from the river and the source. It is important to remember that they should not simply copy what they see or read.Writing sample essay questions and answers from the river and the source will de finitely become an enjoyable process for students. Since it is difficult to find a sample essay for them to work with, they will be able to quickly and easily develop their own.
Friday, March 20, 2020
Free Essays on Violence In Hip Hop Music
Writing for the Media Violence in Hip Hop Music In September of 1996 Tupac Shakur, one of rap musicââ¬â¢s most prolific artist of all times, was gunned down after a Mike Tyson fight in Las Vegas. In March of 1997, six months after the Tupac incident, another Hip Hop giant, the Notorious B.I.G. was also shot in killed in Los Angeles. The two latest tragic incident include the Big L shooting in Harlem and the Freaky Ty shooting in Queens. Some may use the lifestyles of these four individuals as an excuse for their deaths, being that many of today rap artist have come from the streets. Many were drug dealers and ââ¬Å"gunslingers.â⬠However, what people fail to realize is that these artist had left their ââ¬Å"thuggishâ⬠days behind them and pursued a career in Hip Hop. Ironically, both Big L and Freaky Ty were both killed at places that they were trying to escape when entering the rap game, the streets. Big L was shot in his own neighborhood in Harlem, and Freaky Ty was shoot in his home borough of Queens after a local party. Tupac and Biggie was able to escape the streets, therefore, many may say that it was the industry that killed them. It all started when Tupac was shot and robbed in the lobby of a music studio in New York City. He was at the studio to meet with Biggie to work on a song together. After the robbery, Tupac blamed Biggie for conspiring to rob him. This brought on a heated dispute between the two artistââ¬â¢s record companies. Death Row Records, which is headed by Suge Knight, is the Los Angeles based record company that Tupac belonged to. Bad Boy Entertainment is the record label that Biggie is affiliated with and is headed by Puff Daddy in New York. This rivalry quickly became a rivalry between the entire West coast and parts of the East coast, mainly New York City. Consequently, you have an artist recording songs aimed at another artist, then that artist would make a record to answer the first record, a... Free Essays on Violence In Hip Hop Music Free Essays on Violence In Hip Hop Music Writing for the Media Violence in Hip Hop Music In September of 1996 Tupac Shakur, one of rap musicââ¬â¢s most prolific artist of all times, was gunned down after a Mike Tyson fight in Las Vegas. In March of 1997, six months after the Tupac incident, another Hip Hop giant, the Notorious B.I.G. was also shot in killed in Los Angeles. The two latest tragic incident include the Big L shooting in Harlem and the Freaky Ty shooting in Queens. Some may use the lifestyles of these four individuals as an excuse for their deaths, being that many of today rap artist have come from the streets. Many were drug dealers and ââ¬Å"gunslingers.â⬠However, what people fail to realize is that these artist had left their ââ¬Å"thuggishâ⬠days behind them and pursued a career in Hip Hop. Ironically, both Big L and Freaky Ty were both killed at places that they were trying to escape when entering the rap game, the streets. Big L was shot in his own neighborhood in Harlem, and Freaky Ty was shoot in his home borough of Queens after a local party. Tupac and Biggie was able to escape the streets, therefore, many may say that it was the industry that killed them. It all started when Tupac was shot and robbed in the lobby of a music studio in New York City. He was at the studio to meet with Biggie to work on a song together. After the robbery, Tupac blamed Biggie for conspiring to rob him. This brought on a heated dispute between the two artistââ¬â¢s record companies. Death Row Records, which is headed by Suge Knight, is the Los Angeles based record company that Tupac belonged to. Bad Boy Entertainment is the record label that Biggie is affiliated with and is headed by Puff Daddy in New York. This rivalry quickly became a rivalry between the entire West coast and parts of the East coast, mainly New York City. Consequently, you have an artist recording songs aimed at another artist, then that artist would make a record to answer the first record, a...
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Independent Executive Agencies of US Government
Independent Executive Agencies of US Government Independent executive agencies of the U.S. federal government are those that, while technically part of the executive branch, are self-governed and not directly controlled by the President. Among other duties, these independent agencies and commissions are responsible for the vitally important federal rulemaking process. In general, independent agencies are tasked with administering laws and federal regulations that apply to specific areas such as the environment, social security, homeland security, education, and veteran affairs. Responsibilities and the Chain of Command Expected to be experts in the areas they manage, most independent agencies are headed by a presidentially-appointed board or commission, while a few, such as the EPA, are headed by a single presidentially-appointed administrator or director. Falling within the executive branch of government, independent agencies are overseen by Congress, but operate with more autonomy than federal agencies headed by Cabinet members such as the Departments of State or Treasury which must report directly to the president. While independent agencies do not answer directly to the president, their department heads are appointed by the president, with the approval of the Senate. However, unlike the department heads of executive branch agencies, such as those making up the presidentââ¬â¢s Cabinet, who can be removed simply because of their political party affiliation, heads of independent executive agencies may be removed only in cases of poor performance or unethical activities. In addition, the organizational structure independent executive agencies allows them to create their own rules and performance standards, deal with conflicts, and discipline employees who violate agency regulations.à à Creation of Independent Executive Agencies For the first 73 years of its history, the young American republic operated with only four government agencies: the Departments of War, State, Navy, and Treasury, and the Office of the Attorney General. As more territories gained statehood and the nationââ¬â¢s population grew, the peopleââ¬â¢s demand for more services and protections from the government grew as well. Facing these new government responsibilities, Congress created the Department of the Interior in 1849, the Department of Justice in 1870, and the Post Office Department (now the U.S. Postal Service) in 1872. The end of the Civil War in 1865 ushered in a tremendous growth of business and industry in America. Seeing a need to ensure fair and ethical competition and control fees, Congress began creating independent economic regulatory agencies or ââ¬Å"commissions.â⬠The first of these, the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC), was created in 1887 to regulate the railroad (and later the trucking) industries to ensure fair rates and competition and to prevent rate discrimination. Farmers and merchants had complained to lawmakers that railroads were charging them exorbitant fees to carry their goods to market.à Congress eventually abolished the ICC in 1995, dividing its powers and duties among new, more tightly defined commissions. Modern independent regulatory commissions patterned after the ICC include the Federal Trade Commission, the Federal Communications Commission, and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Independent Executive Agencies Today Today, independent executive regulatory agencies and commissions are responsible for creating the many federal regulations intended to enforce the laws passed by Congress. For example, the Federal Trade Commission creates regulations to implement and enforce a wide variety of consumer protection laws such as the Telemarketing and Consumer Fraud and Abuse Prevention Act, the Truth in Lending Act, and the Childrens Online Privacy Protection Act. Most independent regulatory agencies have the authority to conduct investigations, impose fines or other civil penalties, and otherwise, limit the activities of parties proven to be in violation of federal regulations. For example, the Federal Trade Commission often halts deceptive advertising practices and forces business to issue refunds to consumers. Their general independence from politically motivated interference or influence gives the regulatory agencies the flexibility to respond rapidly to complex cases of abusive activities. What Sets Independent Executive Agencies Apart? Independent agencies differ from the other executive branch departments and agencies mainly in their makeup, function, and the degree to which they are controlled by the president. Unlike most executive branch agencies which are overseen by a single secretary, administrator, or director appointed by the president, independent agencies are usually controlled by a commission or board made up of from five to seven people who share power equally. While the commission or board members are appointed by the president with the approval of the Senate, they typically serve staggered terms, often lasting longer than a four-year presidential term. As a result, the same president will rarely get to appoint all of the commissioners of any given independent agency. In addition, federal statutes limit the presidentââ¬â¢s authority to remove commissioners to cases of incapacity, neglect of duty, malfeasance, or ââ¬Å"other good cause.â⬠Commissioners of independent agencies cannot be removed based simply on their political party affiliation. In fact, most independent agencies are required by law to have aà bipartisan membership of their commissions or boards, thus preventing the president from filling vacancies exclusively with members of their own political party. In contrast, the president has the power remove the individual secretaries, administrators, or directors of the regular executive agencies at will and without showing cause. Under Article 1, Section 6, Clause 2 of the Constitution, members of Congress cannot serve on the commissions or boards of independent agencies during their terms in office. Agency Examples A few examples of hundreds of independent executive federal agencies not already mentioned include: Central Intelligence Agency (CIA): The CIA provides intelligence regarding potential threats to national security to the president and senior U.S. policymakers.Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC): Protects the public from unreasonable risks of injury or death from a vast array of consumer products.Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board: Oversees the nuclear weapons complex operated by the U.S. Department of Energy.Federal Communications Commission (FCC): Regulates interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite and cable.Federal Election Commission (FEC): Administers and enforces the campaign finance laws in the United States.Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA): Administers the national flood insurance and disaster relief programs. Works with first responders to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all forms of hazards.Federal Reserve Board of Governors: Functions as the central bank of the United States. The Federal Reserve System (the ââ¬Å"FEDâ⬠) oversees the nationââ¬â¢s monetary and credit policy and works ensure the safety and stability of the nationââ¬â¢s banking and financial system.
Monday, February 17, 2020
Using Via E-commerce to Increase Success for Wingate Systems Working Research Paper
Using Via E-commerce to Increase Success for Wingate Systems Working - Research Paper Example For traditional relationship marketing to work as it should in any organization, all other business parameters also need to be in place. Recently, this has been identified in a forward-looking model as a "holistic, dynamic and dialectical" model. (Chang, 2004) Not surprisingly, this model was developed in an Asian developing economy context. The author noted that local firms in developing countries need to be creative in developing e-business strategies because they are operating in under-developed e-business environments. It that is true for relationship marketing success in developing countries, it should, therefore, be even more valuable to mature organizations operating in mature business environments. Despite the dot-com failures of the recent past, few would doubt that e-business is a main driver of the new and future economy globally. It is also safe to assume that relationship marketing began its development when bricks-and-mortar businesses were able to operate without a substantial Internet presence. Then, it was 'relationship' marketing, and depended on such things as 'personal bankers,' and 'personal shoppers,' and arguably, within each organization that had added the relationship marketing function, it was viewed as a 'must have' but with little relative impact on the bottom line. However, three things entered the business arena that made it paramount for relationship marketing to become both continuous (CRM) and integrated into the business structures. Those three things were the development of digital technologies, the importance of intellectual property, and "customer supremacy," defined as customization of product/service and reduced cycle time. (Chang, 2004)
Monday, February 3, 2020
Why incentive plans cannot work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Why incentive plans cannot work - Essay Example We will be summarizing the main points of the article below. The article by Kohn (1993) questions the assumption that rewards or incentives can do no good for the performance of employees. The article is not accepting the basic psychological assumption that underlines any incentive plan, and an explanation is given as to why incentive plans cannot work. The system of giving rewards to employees is criticized because of the ill founded assumptions. Implementation of incentive plans have been criticized previously but the philosophy behind rewards and incentives was not questioned. The empirical evidence against reward is seen as a problem with implementation rather than that of philosophy of incentive plans. The argument given forward by the article is that rewards and incentive plans only yield temporary compliance of employees. Incentives, according to the article, do not increase the productivity or working potential of a person for a longer period of time. Rather rewards only force employees to comply with the organizational needs on a temporary basis. This effect is not at all a long term thing, and the world seems to be oblivious of the fact because of the limited research work on incentives. Studies on incentives and rewards are many but they seem to put forward the basic psychological relationship between reward and work. For many decades now this assumption has not been challenged in studies. This is why people have failed to realize that reward and incentive plans only breed temporary compliance. Rewards and inventive plans are known for changing the attitudes of people towards something but the author contends that the effect of reward is not different than that of punishment. The effect of reward only temporary changes behavior and as soon as the effect of reward fades away, the behavior reverts back. This means that there is not intrinsic change in a personââ¬â¢s belief or attitude due
Sunday, January 26, 2020
The Wizard of Oz-Beyond the Yellow Brick Road
The Wizard of Oz-Beyond the Yellow Brick Road ââ¬Å"Toto, I have a feeling were not in Kansas anymore,â⬠claims Dorothy Gale as she explores her new world of lively color in the Land of Oz. The film The Wizard of Oz, adapted from L. Frank Baums childrens book The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, released in movie theaters in 1939 and nominated for an Oscar Award for Best Cinematography and Color (The Internet Movie Database).The famous musical tells a story of a young girl Dorothy who gets lost in the Land of Oz and travels long and far to the Emerald City. At the Emerald City, she finds the Wizard of Oz, who she hopes will help her get back home to Kansas. On her journey she befriends the Scarecrow, the Tinman, and the Cowardly Lion; at the same time, she must also avoid the Wicked Witch of the West who tries to take Dorothys enchanted ruby slippers. The Wizard of Oz has a unique characteristic in that it was one of the first films to include Technicolor (The Internet Movie Database). Transitioning into colored films became an imp ortant event in film history. The movie industry now had the technology capable of filming in sound and color, which dynamically influences a movie. The Wizard of Oz contains many colorful items that play key roles in the film: the yellow brick road, Dorothys ruby slippers, and the Emerald City. One might find it intriguing to learn that since the idea of Technicolor has been applied, certain colors symbolize important ideas. Although many viewers enjoy watching The Wizard of Oz and may think nothing more of it but as a mere fairy tale classic, the use of Technicolor conveyed many aspects about American history in the early 1900s including racial issues, economic issues, and political issues. Colors were used as a technique to represent social classes or certain races. Once Dorothy steps out of her house after the twister, she stares in awe at the vibrant colors of Munchkinland. These colors help the audience to determine the protagonist and antagonists. For instance, the Wicked Witch of the West and her Winkies, the guardians of the castle, have green skin, unlike those who appear to be human like Dorothy. The differences in color tie to the ââ¬Å"public discourse on race in 1900â⬠(Ritter 173). These references to racial disputes reflected the times in the early 1900s, or post Civil War. While recovering from the Civil War, many former African American slaves struggled to continue living their lives now that Abraham Lincolns Emancipation Proclamation has been established. They had the opportunity to find jobs, but still had difficulty merging with the white community. Baum published The Wonderful Wizard of Oz in 1900 and incorporated racial (social) issues at that certain point in time in order to point out that there existed a segregated culture. Historians refer to the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century as the Gilded Age, an era which featured concerns about social change (190).The movie depicts the differences among the groups of characters and displays how they do not cooperate well together. Another example of utilizing color to express a change in social class is coloring the Emerald City. As Dorothy and her friends trot along the yellow brick road, the film captures the Emerald Citys elegant, resplendent towers from afar; the city itself has magnificent structures radiant in green splendor. Baum associates the people of the Emerald City as well as the Wizard of Oz with the color ââ¬Å"wealthy green . . . [as] . . . selfish, st ingy, and false,â⬠(184) which in the end, the Wizard proves to be when he does not keep his promise to help Dorothy and her newfound friends. The reference to green does not indicate that a certain race is selfish; rather, it exemplifies the idea that at this time in history, serious turmoil existed between different cultures and races. Overall, color orientation enables the audience to understand relationships among the characters. The film also uses Technicolor to recognize the economic crisis occurring during the late nineteenth century, referred to as the Gilded Age and during Americas Great Depression. In the beginning and end of the motion picture, Dorothy is back home in Kansas, where the setting is set in a bronze, sepia color, unlike the Land of Oz, containing all the colors of the rainbow. The overall look of Kansas is ââ¬Å"bleak. . . [including] . . . the house, people, and prairie . . .[which] . . . are all ââ¬Ëdull and grayâ⬠(177). The dramatic contrast in colors between Kansas and the Land of Oz shows how dismal and depressed the residents of Kansas felt while suffering from the poor economy; this represents the dismay many farmers experienced in the United States during the early 1900s. In the film, Dorothy comes from Kansas, where there reside clusters of independent farmers. Baum published The Wonderful Wizard of Oz in 1900, the ââ¬Å"cusp between the decline of Populism and producer ism and the rise of consumerism and corporate liberalismâ⬠(198). At this time, many farmers created labor movements due to devastating droughts (198). In 1939, ââ¬Å"Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer brought the Oz tale to screen in vivid color . . . [while] . . . the nation was recuperating from the depression and preparing itself for the challenge of World War IIâ⬠(199). Color made an impact on the audience in that it inspired them to regain hope that ââ¬Å"[America] would emerge, as Dorothy did, stronger for the difficulties they faced and overcameâ⬠(199). In the movie, transitioning from black and white to bright colors allows the audience to relate to Dorothy. The black and white setting represents America during the Great Depression. When Dorothy, representing the common people, is in the Land of Oz, she overcomes her obstacles, which represents America overcoming World War II. The use of color gives off a sense of optimism for the audience about the troubles that lay ahead. Many noticeable items in the movie play a key role in Dorothys journey, but also correspond to important political ideas. In fact, ââ¬Å"The economic and political tumult of the 1880s and 1890s was reflected in competing cultural understandings of American societyâ⬠(198). Glinda, the Witch of the North, explains to Dorothy that the Wizard of Oz can help her find her way home to Kansas. In order to reach the Wizard of Oz, she must follow the yellow brick road that leads her to the Emerald City, found in the center of the Land of Oz. The yellow brick road symbolizes the gold standard, the current form of currency (Rockoff 746). Many financial reformers ââ¬Å"criticized the gold standard and the National Banking System [. . .] for favoring industrial over agricultural developmentâ⬠(191). Many have analyzed both the movie and book and have interpreted it as a monetary allegory about Populists (Hansen 254). Dorothy represents the Populist Party, while the yellow brick road that leads to the Emerald City signifies Washington, D.C., ââ¬Å"controlled by the ââ¬ËMoney Power and gold tradersâ⬠(Ritter 194). Even though the yellow brick road shows Dorothy the way to the Wizard, she still does not find her solution of returning home when she arrives. Very much like a moment in history, this event correlates to the decline of the Populists who cried out to government in dire need for help with crops and farmland. For example, a group of ââ¬Å"unemployed men, suffering under the economic depression of the 1890s, [. . .] marched from Ohio to Washington to demand work and relief, but [. . .] were dispersed rather than rewardedâ⬠(183). Dorothys journey and this small group of men are alike in that both parties sought for help, but never initially received any. In t he Emerald City, the significance of the color green relates to greenbacks, or paper money, which many people of the United States referred to as ââ¬Å"a form of false valueâ⬠(184). This color coding can also relate back to the Wizard. The Wizard of Oz provides important historical references that took place in the United States of America. The movie allows us to escape from reality and discover somewhere over the rainbow a fantasy dreamland where adventure and excitement await us. The magic of The Wizard of Oz has an indelible memory to all ages, throughout the ages. As one of the most notable films in pop culture, the motion picture has obtained many outstanding awards thanks to an unforgettable cast and crew. Not only does the film remain a Hollywood classic, but it serves as historical documentation. As technology has progressed throughout time, the film has used the latest advances of Technicolor to produce a meaningful piece of artwork embedded with racial, economic, and political references. No matter what type of audience views the movie, each individual can relate to the idea that despite ongoing conflicts, ââ¬Å"theres no place like home.ââ¬
Friday, January 17, 2020
Vampire Academy Chapter 3
THREE SENDING US STRAIGHT TO CLASS after our meeting seemed beyond cruel, but that's exactly what Kirova did. Lissa was led away, and I watched her go, glad the bond would allow me to keep reading her emotional temperature. They actually sent me to one of the guidance counselors first. He was an ancient Moroi guy, one I remembered from before I'd left. I honestly couldn't believe he was still around. The guy was so freaking old, he should have retired. Or died. The visit took all of five minutes. He said nothing about my return and asked a few questions about what classes I'd taken in Chicago and Portland. He compared those against my old file and hastily scrawled out a new schedule. I took it sullenly and headed out to my first class. 1st Period Advanced Guardian Combat Techniques 2nd Period Bodyguard Theory and Personal Protection 3 3rd Period Weight Training and Conditioning 4th Period Senior Language Arts (Novices) -Lunch ââ¬â 5th Period Animal Behavior and Physiology 6th Period Pre-calculus 7th Period Moroi Culture 4 8th Period Slavic Art Ugh. I'd forgotten how long the Academy's school day was. Novices and Moroi took separate classes during the first half of the day, which meant I wouldn't see Lissa until after lunch ââ¬â if we had any afternoon classes together. Most of them were standard senior classes, so I felt my odds were pretty good. Slavic art struck me as the kind of elective no one signed up for, so hopefully they'd stuck her in there too. Dimitri and Alberta escorted me to the guardians' gym for first period, neither one acknowledging my existence. Walking behind them, I saw how Alberta wore her hair in a short, pixie cut that showed her promise mark and molnija marks. A lot of female guardians did this. It didn't matter so much for me now, since my neck had no tattoos yet, but I didn't want to ever cut my hair. She and Dimitri didn't say anything and walked along almost like it was any other day. When we arrived, the reactions of my peers indicated it was anything but. They were in the middle of setting up when we entered the gym, and just like in the commons, all eyes fell on me. I couldn't decide if I felt like a rock star or a circus freak. All right, then. If I was going to be stuck here for a while, I wasn't going to act afraid of them all anymore. Lissa and I had once held this school's respect, and it was time to remind everyone of that. Scanning the staring, openmouthed novices, I looked for a familiar face. Most of them were guys. One caught my eye, and I could barely hold back my grin. ââ¬Å"Hey Mason, wipe the drool off your face. If you're going to think about me naked, do it on your own time.â⬠A few snorts and snickers broke the awed silence, and Mason Ashford snapped out of his haze, giving me a lopsided smile. With red hair that stuck up everywhere and a smattering of freckles, he was nice-looking, though not exactly hot. He was also one of the funniest guys I knew. We'd been good friends back in the day. ââ¬Å"This is my time, Hathaway. I'm leading today's session.â⬠ââ¬Å"Oh yeah?â⬠I retorted. ââ¬Å"Huh. Well, I guess this is a good time to think about me naked, then.â⬠ââ¬Å"It's always a good a time to think about you naked,â⬠added someone nearby, breaking the tension further. Eddie Castile. Another friend of mine. Dimitri shook his head and walked off, muttering something in Russian that didn't sound complimentary. But as for me?à well, just like that, I was one of the novices again. They were an easygoing bunch, less focused on pedigree and politics than the Moroi students. The class engulfed me, and I found myself laughing and seeing those I'd nearly forgotten about. Everyone wanted to know where we'd been; apparently Lissa and I had become legends. I couldn't tell them why we'd left, of course, so I offered up a lot of taunts and wouldn't-you-like-to-knows that served just as well. The happy reunion lasted a few more minutes before the adult guardian who oversaw the training came over and scolded Mason for neglecting his duties. Still grinning, he barked out orders to everyone, explaining what exercises to start with. Uneasily I realized I didn't know most of them. ââ¬Å"Come on, Hathaway,â⬠he said, taking my arm. ââ¬Å"You can be my partner. Let's see what you've been doing all this time.â⬠An hour later, he had his answer. ââ¬Å"Not practicing, huh?â⬠ââ¬Å"Ow,â⬠I groaned, momentarily incapable of normal speech. He extended a hand and helped me up from the mat he'd knocked me down on ââ¬â about fifty times. ââ¬Å"I hate you,â⬠I told him, rubbing a spot on my thigh that was going to have a wicked bruise tomorrow. ââ¬Å"You'd hate me more if I held back.â⬠ââ¬Å"Yeah, that's true,â⬠I agreed, staggering along as the class put the equipment back. ââ¬Å"You actually did okay.â⬠ââ¬Å"What? I just had my ass handed to me.â⬠ââ¬Å"Well, of course you did. It's been two years. But hey, you're still walking. That's something.â⬠He grinned mockingly. ââ¬Å"Did I mention I hate you?â⬠He flashed me another smile, which quickly faded to something more serious. ââ¬Å"Don't take this the wrong way?à I mean, you really are a scrapper, but there's no way you'll be able to take your trials in the spring ââ¬â ââ¬Å" ââ¬Å"They're making me take extra practice sessions,â⬠I explained. Not that it mattered. I planned on getting Lissa and me out of here before these practices really became an issue. ââ¬Å"I'll be ready.â⬠ââ¬Å"Extra sessions with who?â⬠ââ¬Å"That tall guy. Dimitri.â⬠Mason stopped walking and stared at me. ââ¬Å"You're putting in extra time with Belikov?â⬠ââ¬Å"Yeah, so what?â⬠ââ¬Å"So the man is a god.â⬠ââ¬Å"Exaggerate much?â⬠I asked. ââ¬Å"No, I'm serious. I mean, he's all quiet and antisocial usually, but when he fights?à wow. If you think you're hurting now, you're going to be dead when he's done with you.â⬠Great. Something else to improve my day. I elbowed him and went on to second period. That class covered the essentials of being a bodyguard and was required for all seniors. Actually, it was the third in a series that had started junior year. That meant I was behind in this class too, but I hoped protecting Lissa in the real world had given me some insight. Our instructor was Stan Alto, whom we referred to simply as ââ¬Å"Stanâ⬠behind his back and ââ¬Å"Guardian Altoâ⬠in formal settings. He was a little older than Dimitri, but not nearly as tall, and he always looked pissed off. Today, that look intensified when he walked into the classroom and saw me sitting there. His eyes widened in mock surprise as he circled the room and came to stand beside my desk. ââ¬Å"What's this? No one told me we had a guest speaker here today. Rose Hathaway. What a privilege! How very generous of you to take time out of your busy schedule and share your knowledge with us.â⬠I felt my cheeks burning, but in a great show of self-control, I stopped myself from telling him to fuck off. I'm pretty sure my face must have delivered that message, however, because his sneer increased. He gestured for me to stand up. ââ¬Å"Well, come on, come on. Don't sit there! Come up to the front so you can help me lecture the class.â⬠I sank into my seat. ââ¬Å"You don't really mean ââ¬â ââ¬Å" The taunting smile dried up. ââ¬Å"I mean exactly what I say, Hathaway. Go to the front of the class.â⬠A thick silence enveloped the room. Stan was a scary instructor, and most of the class was too awed to laugh at my disgrace quite yet. Refusing to crack, I strode up to the front of the room and turned to face the class. I gave them a bold look and tossed my hair over my shoulders, earning a few sympathetic smiles from my friends. I then noticed I had a larger audience than expected. A few guardians ââ¬â including Dimitri ââ¬â lingered in the back of the room. Outside the Academy, guardians focused on one-on-one protection. Here, guardians had a lot more people to protect and they had to train the novices. So rather than follow any one person around, they worked shifts guarding the school as a whole and monitoring classes. ââ¬Å"So, Hathaway,â⬠said Stan cheerfully, strolling back up to the front with me. ââ¬Å"Enlighten us about your protective techniques.â⬠ââ¬Å"My?à techniques?â⬠ââ¬Å"Of course. Because presumably you must have had some sort of plan the rest of us couldn't understand when you took an underage Moroi royal out of the Academy and exposed her to constant Strigoi threats.â⬠It was the Kirova lecture all over again, except with more witnesses. ââ¬Å"We never ran into any Strigoi,â⬠I replied stiffly. ââ¬Å"Obviously,â⬠he said with a snicker. ââ¬Å"I already figured that out, seeing as how you're still alive.â⬠I wanted to shout that maybe I could have defeated a Strigoi, but after getting beat up in the last class, I now suspected I couldn't have survived an attack by Mason, let alone an actual Strigoi. When I didn't say anything, Stan started pacing in front of the class. ââ¬Å"So what'd you do? How'd you make sure she stayed safe? Did you avoid going out at night?â⬠ââ¬Å"Sometimes.â⬠That was true ââ¬â especially when we'd first run away. We'd relaxed a little after months went by with no attacks. ââ¬Å"Sometimes,â⬠he repeated in a high-pitched voice, making my answer sound incredibly stupid. ââ¬Å"Well then, I suppose you slept during the day and stayed on guard at night.â⬠ââ¬Å"Er?à no.â⬠ââ¬Å"No? But that's one of the first things mentioned in the chapter on solo guarding. Oh wait, you wouldn't know that because you weren't here.â⬠I swallowed back more swear words. ââ¬Å"I watched the area whenever we went out,â⬠I said, needing to defend myself. ââ¬Å"Oh? Well that's something. Did you use Carnegie's Quadrant Surveillance Method or the Rotational Survey?â⬠I didn't say anything. ââ¬Å"Ah. I'm guessing you used the Hathaway Glance-Around-When-You-Remember-To Method.â⬠ââ¬Å"No!â⬠I exclaimed angrily. ââ¬Å"That's not true. I watched her. She's still alive, isn't she?â⬠He walked back up to me and leaned toward my face. ââ¬Å"Because you got lucky.â⬠ââ¬Å"Strigoi aren't lurking around every corner out there,â⬠I shot back. ââ¬Å"It's not like what we've been taught. It's safer than you guys make it sound.â⬠ââ¬Å"Safer? Safer? We are at war with the Strigoi!â⬠he yelled. I could smell coffee on his breath, he was so close. ââ¬Å"One of them could walk right up to you and snap your pretty little neck before you even noticed him ââ¬â and he'd barely break a sweat doing it. You might have more speed and strength than a Moroi or a human, but you are nothing, nothing, compared to a Strigoi. They are deadly, and they are powerful. And do you know what makes them more powerful?â⬠No way was I going to let this jerk make me cry. Looking away from him, I tried to focus on something else. My eyes rested on Dimitri and the other guardians. They were watching my humiliation, stone-faced. ââ¬Å"Moroi blood,â⬠I whispered. ââ¬Å"What was that?â⬠asked Stan loudly. ââ¬Å"I didn't catch it.â⬠I spun back around to face him. ââ¬Å"Moroi blood! Moroi blood makes them stronger.â⬠He nodded in satisfaction and took a few steps back. ââ¬Å"Yes. It does. It makes them stronger and harder to destroy. They'll kill and drink from a human or dhampir, but they want Moroi blood more than anything else. They seek it. They've turned to the dark side to gain immortality, and they want to do whatever they can to keep that immortality. Desperate Strigoi have attacked Moroi in public. Groups of Strigoi have raided academies exactly like this one. There are Strigoi who have lived for thousands of years and fed off generations of Moroi. They're almost impossible to kill. And that is why Moroi numbers are dropping. They aren't strong enough ââ¬â even with guardians ââ¬â to protect themselves. Some Moroi don't even see the point of running anymore and are simply turning Strigoi by choice. And as the Moroi disappear?à â⬠ââ¬Å"?à so do the dhampirs,â⬠I finished. ââ¬Å"Well,â⬠he said, licking sprayed spit off his lips. ââ¬Å"It looks like you learned something after all. Now we'll have to see if you can learn enough to pass this class and qualify for your field experience next semester.â⬠Ouch. I spent the rest of that horrible class ââ¬â in my seat, thankfully ââ¬â replaying those last words in my mind. The senior-year field experience was the best part of a novice's education. We'd have no classes for half a semester. Instead, we'd each be assigned a Moroi student to guard and follow around. The adult guardians would monitor us and test us with staged attacks and other threats. How a novice passed that field experience was almost as important as all the rest of her grades combined. It could influence which Moroi she got assigned to after graduation. And me? There was only one Moroi I wanted. Two classes later, I finally earned my lunch escape. As I stumbled across campus toward the commons, Dimitri fell into step beside me, not looking particularly godlike ââ¬â unless you counted his godly good looks. ââ¬Å"I suppose you saw what happened in Stan's class?â⬠I asked, not bothering with titles. ââ¬Å"Yes.â⬠ââ¬Å"And you don't think that was unfair?â⬠ââ¬Å"Was he right? Do you think you were fully prepared to protect Vasilisa?â⬠I looked down at the ground. ââ¬Å"I kept her alive,â⬠I mumbled. ââ¬Å"How did you do fighting against your classmates today?â⬠The question was mean. I didn't answer and knew I didn't need to. I'd had another training class after Stan's, and no doubt Dimitri had watched me get beat up there too. ââ¬Å"If you can't fight them ââ¬â ââ¬Å" ââ¬Å"Yeah, yeah, I know,â⬠I snapped. He slowed his long stride to match my pain-filled one. ââ¬Å"You're strong and fast by nature. You just need to keep yourself trained. Didn't you play any sports while you were gone?â⬠ââ¬Å"Sure,â⬠I shrugged. ââ¬Å"Now and then.â⬠ââ¬Å"You didn't join any teams?â⬠ââ¬Å"Too much work. If I'd wanted to practice that much, I'd have stayed here.â⬠He gave me an exasperated look. ââ¬Å"You'll never be able to really protect the princess if you don't hone your skills. You'll always be lacking.â⬠ââ¬Å"I'll be able to protect her,â⬠I said fiercely. ââ¬Å"You have no guarantees of being assigned to her, you know ââ¬â for your field experience or after you graduate.â⬠Dimitri's voice was low and unapologetic. They hadn't given me a warm and fuzzy mentor. ââ¬Å"No one wants to waste the bond ââ¬â but no one's going to give her an inadequate guardian either. If you want to be with her, then you need to work for it. You have your lessons. You have me. Use us or don't. You're an ideal choice to guard Vasilisa when you both graduate ââ¬â if you can prove you're worthy. I hope you will.â⬠ââ¬Å"Lissa, call her Lissa,â⬠I corrected. She hated her full name, much preferring the Americanized nickname. He walked away, and suddenly, I didn't feel like such a badass anymore. By now, I'd burned up a lot of time leaving class. Most everyone else had long since sprinted inside the commons for lunch, eager to maximize their social time. I'd almost made it back there myself when a voice under the door's overhang called to me. ââ¬Å"Rose?â⬠Peering in the voice's direction, I caught sight of Victor Dashkov, his kind face smiling at me as he leaned on a cane near the building's wall. His two guardians stood nearby at a polite distance. ââ¬Å"Mr. Dash-er, Your Highness. Hi.â⬠I caught myself just in time, having nearly forgotten Moroi royal terms. I hadn't used them while living among humans. The Moroi chose their rulers from among twelve royal families. The eldest in the family got the title of ââ¬Å"princeâ⬠or ââ¬Å"princess.â⬠Lissa had gotten hers because she was the only one left in her line. ââ¬Å"How was your first day?â⬠he asked. ââ¬Å"Not over yet.â⬠I tried to think of something conversational. ââ¬Å"Are you visiting here for a while?â⬠ââ¬Å"I'll be leaving this afternoon after I say hello to Natalie. When I heard Vasilisa ââ¬â and you ââ¬â had returned, I simply had to come see you.â⬠I nodded, not sure what else to say. He was more Lissa's friend than mine. ââ¬Å"I wanted to tell you?à â⬠He spoke hesitantly. ââ¬Å"I understand the gravity of what you did, but I think Headmistress Kirova failed to acknowledge something. You did keep Vasilisa safe all this time. That is impressive.â⬠ââ¬Å"Well, it's not like I faced down Strigoi or anything,â⬠I said. ââ¬Å"But you faced down some things?â⬠ââ¬Å"Sure. The school sent psi-hounds once.â⬠ââ¬Å"Remarkable.â⬠ââ¬Å"Not really. Avoiding them was pretty easy.â⬠He laughed. ââ¬Å"I've hunted with them before. They aren't that easy to evade, not with their powers and intelligence.â⬠It was true. Psi-hounds were one of many types of magical creatures that wandered the world, creatures that humans never knew about or else didn't believe they'd really seen. The hounds traveled in packs and shared a sort of psychic communication that made them particularly deadly to their prey ââ¬â as did the fact that they resembled mutant wolves. ââ¬Å"Did you face anything else?â⬠I shrugged. ââ¬Å"Little things here and there.â⬠ââ¬Å"Remarkable,â⬠he repeated. ââ¬Å"Lucky, I think. It turns out I'm really behind in all this guardian stuff.â⬠I sounded just like Stan now. ââ¬Å"You're a smart girl. You'll catch up. And you also have your bond.â⬠I looked away. My ability to ââ¬Å"feelâ⬠Lissa had been such a secret for so long, it felt weird to have others know about it. ââ¬Å"The histories are full of stories of guardians who could feel when their charges were in danger,â⬠Victor continued. ââ¬Å"I've made a hobby of studying up on it and some of the ancient ways. I've heard it's a tremendous asset.â⬠ââ¬Å"I guess.â⬠I shrugged. What a boring hobby, I thought, imagining him poring over prehistoric histories in some dank library covered in spiderwebs. Victor tilted his head, curiosity all over his face. Kirova and the others had had the same look when we'd mentioned our connection, like we were lab rats. ââ¬Å"What is it like ââ¬â if you don't mind me asking?â⬠ââ¬Å"It's?à I don't know. I just sort of always have this hum of how she feels. Usually it's just emotions. We can't send messages or anything.â⬠I didn't tell him about slipping into her head. That part of it was hard even for me to understand. ââ¬Å"But it doesn't work the other way? She doesn't sense you?â⬠I shook my head. His face shone with wonder. ââ¬Å"How did it happen?â⬠ââ¬Å"I don't know,â⬠I said, still glancing away. ââ¬Å"Just started two years ago.â⬠He frowned. ââ¬Å"Near the time of the accident?â⬠Hesitantly, I nodded. The accident was not something I wanted to talk about, that was for sure. Lissa's memories were bad enough without my own mixing into them. Twisted metal. A sensation of hot, then cold, then hot again. Lissa screaming over me, screaming for me to wake up, screaming for her parents and her brother to wake up. None of them had, only me. And the doctors said that was a miracle in itself. They said I shouldn't have survived. Apparently sensing my discomfort, Victor let the moment go and returned to his earlier excitement. ââ¬Å"I can still barely believe this. It's been so long since this has happened. If it did happen more often?à just think what it could do for the safety of all Moroi. If only others could experience this too. I'll have to do more research and see if we can replicate it with others.â⬠ââ¬Å"Yeah.â⬠I was getting impatient, despite how much I liked him. Natalie rambled a lot, and it was pretty clear which parent she'd inherited that quality from. Lunch was ticking down, and although Moroi and novices shared afternoon classes, Lissa and I wouldn't have much time to talk. ââ¬Å"Perhaps we could ââ¬â â⬠He started coughing, a great, seizing fit that made his whole body shake. His disease, Sandovsky's Syndrome, took the lungs down with it while dragging the body toward death. I cast an anxious look at his guardians, and one of them stepped forward. ââ¬Å"Your Highness,â⬠he said politely, ââ¬Å"you need to go inside. It's too cold out here.â⬠Victor nodded. ââ¬Å"Yes, yes. And I'm sure Rose here wants to eat.â⬠He turned to me. ââ¬Å"Thank you for speaking to me. I can't emphasize how much it means to me that Vasilisa is safe ââ¬â and that you helped with that. I'd promised her father I'd look after her if anything happened to him, and I felt like quite the failure when you left.â⬠A sinking sensation filled my stomach as I imagined him wracked with guilt and worry over our disappearance. Until now, I hadn't really thought about how others might have felt about us leaving. We made our goodbyes, and I finally arrived inside the school. As I did, I felt Lissa's anxiety spike. Ignoring the pain in my legs, I picked up my pace into the commons. And nearly ran right into her. She didn't see me, though. Neither did the people standing with her: Aaron and that little doll girl. I stopped and listened, just catching the end of the conversation. The girl leaned toward Lissa, who seemed more stunned than anything else. ââ¬Å"It looks to me like it came from a garage sale. I thought a precious Dragomir would have standards.â⬠Scorn dripped off the word Dragomir. Grabbing Doll Girl by the shoulder, I jerked her away. She was so light, she stumbled three feet and nearly fell. ââ¬Å"She does have standards,â⬠I said, ââ¬Å"which is why you're done talking to her.ââ¬
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